The above link is to the initial version of my Ethics form, which was prepared as the ideas for the project were developing. It was sparse in terms of information and methodologies that would be used. The feedback that I received directed me towards additional resources and to consider the ethical implications of some of…
Participatory Action Research / Co-production / Co-design (terms)
These are all terms that I refer to when designing the ARP and planning the process, but in essence, what I really mean is ‘collaboration’ when using any of the three. The ARP brings up an interesting tension between identifying a research project that will enable an enquiry into my teaching practice, whilst also taking…
The genesis of the Action Research Project (ARP) started from the case studies developed during the ‘Theories, Policies and Practice’ module reflecting on current my teaching practice as part of. The case studies were titled: ‘Manifesto for Site Research’, ‘Situated Learning’ and ‘The Value of Process’. The project idea started to take shape during the…
Decolonising the university
Shade of Noir Website I was mostly drawn to the journals on the website, which cover an array of subject areas that center on marginalized identities. What I find powerful about the journals is that each topic is explored through various voices and perspectives. No one voice is more authoritative on the subject, allowing for…
Learning to create space for dialogue and understanding
Religion in Britain: Challenges for Higher Education As an atheist, I struggled to agree with the positions put forward in the paper as I see the practice of religion as a private matter for individuals. This view is shaped by my own background in the Nigerian community which is deeply religious, and places of worship…
The different ways of being in the world
Reflection on Film by Christine Sun Kim Christine Sun Kim often drew me in with her gestures and her facial expressions more so than the subtitle text. Interesting how the two occupy the same space for attention with one holding more power through ‘embodied’ expression. This echoes her exploration of sound as a physical and…
Making lectures interactive
Reading of: Gehlen-Baum et al. (2014) Technology Use in Lectures to Enhance Student Attention. Cornell University Resource: Getting Started with Moving the Lecture Outside the Classroom [Online] Teaching formats and strategies: As ways of countering the passivity of learning inherent in traditional lectures, the research article ‘Technology use in lectures to enhance students’ attention’ and piece…
[Crits] replaced with ‘Design Reviews’
‘Students often can’t remember a lot of their feedback. But they remember the feeling it gave them. ‘They are saying blah blah blah and you’re hearing ‘that is shit, you’re shit.’ Blythman, M., Orr, S., & Blair, B. 2007. Critiquing the Crit [Online] Teaching formats and strategies: On my course, we run reviews at key…
Constructing one’s own learning
“Constructive alignment starts with the notion that the learner constructs their own learning through relevant learning activities.” Biggs 2003 I have pulled out the quote above as it resonates with my current thinking and approach to teaching of my design studio. It says to me that the most effective way for students to learn is…
Self-actualisation: the erotic and transcendence
For our first seminar, we reviewed some quotes from well known academic practitioners, and in our group of three people, we selected the following quote, which resonated with us: ‘If students’ initial ideas and belief are ignored, the understanding that the develop can be very different’ Bransford, J.D., Brown, A. L., and Cocking, R. R.…