Constructing one’s own learning

“Constructive alignment starts with the notion that the learner constructs their own learning through relevant learning activities.”

Biggs 2003

  • I have pulled out the quote above as it resonates with my current thinking and approach to teaching of my design studio. It says to me that the most effective way for students to learn is to have agency (their own learning) within a supportive framework (through relevant learning activities). It echoes Paulo Freire’s ideas about encouraging active learning in which the students is an equal participant with the teacher in the learning process as opposed to passive transmission of knowledge in which the student is the recipient.
  • The Course Vision and Values of the UAL’s ‘Course Designer’ provides framework that considers curriculum, the delivery of the curriculum and opportunities within the curriculum for students’ contributions. Currently within BA Architecture, we provide opportunities for students to co-mark their peers during design reviews, which helps them to understand the assessment process and reflect on their own learning development in meeting learning outcomes and assessment criteria. We also have studio representatives who feedback to stage leaders how they and their peers their experience of the course, which then feeds to overall course development. However, I think the course leaders could be doing more to leave some elements of the curriculum open for co-designing with students. For Associate Lecturers, the elements that we have autonomy over is the studio design agenda and project briefs, which aligns with the overall aims and milestones of the curriculum. Maybe something like this is needed for the student-led or co-design portion where the student input is more from a creative stance rather than merely providing feedback on their experience.

General notes from further reading.

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